Poster for event Expedición Guaraní LITE 2024

Expedición Guaraní LITE 2024

  • Adventure race
  • 13 Jul 08:30 (-04)
  • Caaguazú (Paraguay)

Carreras cortas pertenecientes a Expedición Guaraní 2024



Caaguazú (Paraguay)

July 13, 2024 08:30 (-04)

  • AVENTURA 13 Jul 08:30 (-04)
  • PROMOCIONAL 13 Jul 08:30 (-04)
  • LIGHT-O 13 Jul 08:30 (-04)
  • TREKKING-O 13 Jul 08:30 (-04)


Contact the organization

Send your question to the organization of Expedición Guaraní LITE 2024. They will answer you as soon as possible.


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